Ski Tours
Wake Boards
Motor Bikes
Car Tours
Nous contacter

At OUT TOURS, we believe that the roof of a car should not get between you and the view. You need to be able to enjoy your surroundings. That is why, for those who are not interesting in riding a motorcycle, we offer tours in a convertible. So you can put the top down and cruise-enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sweet scented air.

In every other respect, the Convertible Cruise concept is similar to our motorcycle tours, OUT TOURS makes reservations in three and four star hotels, suggests great restaurants and, of course, gives you a detailed road book with each day's itinerary. You drive at your own pace, rejoining the group leader for lunch if you choose, and meeting in the evening after a day full of discovery and fun.

When you arrive at the hotel, we hand you your hotel keys and your luggage. That way you spend the day unencumbered and you don't have to worry about leaving your bags in the car.

In the evening, you'll have the choice to dine tête-à-tête with your companion, with a few friends or with the whole group to talk about your day and reshape the world, as so many French people like to do with friends after a good meal.

By the way, which region would you like to explore this year ?
United States
